Bike outing on trail

Bike outing on trail

Petite-Vallée, Gaspésie-iles-de-la-Madeleine


Rate : 72,10$*
* Rate include all fee before taxes, and may vary according to length of stay and amount of people.


September 2024
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Red : Not available


Date in red are non availlable. (Complete)   

Person quantity

(Between 2 and 6 years old)

Not available for this date
Book this item in package !
  • Hébergement et excursion
  • Sortie vélo + location de vélo
  • Bike outing on trail

    Take your picnic, mount your mountain bike and let's go in search of the most beautiful viewpoint.

    Follow us to the most beautiful observatories to enjoy the colors... accompanied by local flavors.

    Duration: 3 to 4 hours depending on the route

    Difficulty: family to intermediate level

    Included: guide, local flavor snack


    • Price
    • Older child price (family)

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