4 items found

Regular room, 2 double beds, non-smoking
Motel Restaurant La Marée Haute
Starting from
132,00$+tx per night
VPS rental (Fat bike) electric assistance
Évasion Nature Petite-Vallée
Fat bike (bike with oversized wheels) with electric assistance, perfect for exploring the backcountry or spending a day in the mountains. (Ask before your outing to know the level and condition of the trails.) To rent a bike for 15 years and under or 17 years and under accompanied...
Starting from
Mountain View Double and Twin Bed Rooms
Motel de l'Anse
Mountain View Enjoy stunning mountain views from our double and twin bed rooms. Each room is equipped with a kitchenette containing all the necessities...
Starting from
95,00$+tx per night
Camping Escuminac
Two two-bedroom cabins accommodating a maximum of 12 people per cabin. A toilet and a sink located between the two bedrooms are shared. The showers are located...
Starting from
140,00$ per night

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